If you have received a Desk Appearance Ticket (DAT), it may be time to hire a New York Criminal Defense Attorney to represent you in court. If you do not appear, the judge may issue a warrant for your arrest and a police officer may arrest you. You will then go through the normal booking process. However, if you have hired a lawyer, you can expect a much lower price.
If you are charged with a misdemeanor or a felony, a desk appearance ticket is a serious matter. A failure to appear can result in a bench warrant and extra charges. In addition to a bench warrant, you can also be sentenced to jail or prison. To make the best of your case, do not attempt to represent yourself. Court proceedings are complicated and anything you say can be twisted against you.
If you are issued a Desk Appearance Ticket, you should contact a New York criminal defense attorney immediately. Desk Appearance Tickets can be more serious than traffic tickets and warrants. A New York Criminal Defense Attorney can help you fight the charges and get the best possible outcome. If you have a previous criminal history, it is vital that you retain a knowledgeable attorney to defend you. They can also represent you in other criminal matters such as DUIs, assault, and drug charges.
A DAT is a notice from the police to appear in court at a later date. Unlike arrests, this document is not a criminal charge. You may not be convicted of the crime, but you will still be arrested and processed. You will then be fingerprinted, processed, and held until arraignment. If you fail to appear, you may face up to a year in jail.
If you have been issued a Desk Appearance Ticket in New York City, you should contact a criminal defense attorney immediately. A good attorney will not only explain the charges, but will also provide you with the best representation possible. A lawyer with considerable experience on both sides of the courtroom can help you protect your rights and avoid a criminal conviction. An experienced New York criminal defense attorney can protect your rights in court.
A Desk Appearance Ticket is an alternative to bail. A traditional way to process an arrest is to hold the person in jail until arraignment, which is the first appearance on a criminal case. At arraignment, the judge will determine if the defendant poses a flight risk and will assign bail accordingly. However, if a defendant is able to appear at their court date in time, the results could be very serious.