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In New Jersey, both murder and manslaughter are serious criminal offenses involving the unlawful killing of another person. The distinctions between these terms and the elements that make each charge what it is are essential to consider, as they carry different legal implications and potential penalties.  For those facing these...
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You may be a probationary in Michigan and have questions about medical marijuana use during probation. Although the state’s 2004 approved medical marijuana policy was passed by voters, it took 12 years for courts to recognize its protections. Michael Komorn successfully argued for Michael Thue who was sentenced after pleading guilty in...
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This article will discuss the potential for workers’ compensation in the case of workplace shootings. The law will ultimately decide whether you are eligible for worker compensation. This article explains what you should know before you start your case. New York has seen a lot of workplace violence cases. These cases have shown...
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A sex crime is any sexual act that violates one’s consent. These crimes involve the acts of sex in the presence of a minor or mentally disabled person. These sex crimes are punishable by law and may involve physical harm or mental injury during the sexual activity. Another type of...
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What does criminal law prohibit? The main goal of criminal law is to deter an offender from doing future harm, but it can go further. A criminal can be charged with a specific offense, and the punishments they receive may have very specific objectives, such as sending a message to...
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